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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 19.12.2006, 17:08   #1
Dabei seit: 05/2005
Beiträge: 96

Standard Fogscape

Don’t you love it
When the air is still
And flooded with fog?

Streetlamps spill
Liquid light that gathers
Around their holy heads.

The world ends
Behind that stop sign,
Tall firtrees seem
To penetrate the surface.

A shrunken space you carry
On the tips of your lashes,
A stranger’s silhouette
fleets by like a comet.

The sensation is
Quite unforgettable -
Like being pierced
By headlbeams of a car.

Don’t you blush
In the cosmic glare
Of a traffic light -

You can but fade
Unfelt into silence,
Mere eternal gestures.

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