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Alt 21.10.2022, 08:24   #1
weiblich Jepo4
Dabei seit: 10/2020
Beiträge: 24

Standard Love we live

It is a fairytale.
A story we tell
when our children need help
to find their place in neverland.

It is speaking water
when the heat is over
and drawing rainbows
to paint over dark holes.

It is abstaining sleep
to help in need
and climbing mountains
with broken legs.

It is saying yes
to avoidable mess
if that’s what it takes
to add another plate.

It is making amends
in the name of a friend
and forgiving mistakes
to prove deep respect.

It is that long road
we fear to loose hope
walking along,
searching for gold.

It is learning words
from an other world
and sharing a footprint
with a different looking.

It is making memories
with crying faces
at a scary place
to give sorrow a break.

When it comes to family
and what it means
it’s not the blood that we give,
it is the love we live.
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