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Alt 29.09.2012, 12:13   #1
Benutzerbild von Narziss
Dabei seit: 02/2012
Alter: 31
Beiträge: 242

Standard Borderline


I can see you on the other side,
Why did you decide to stay?
You are broken and I lost my pride,
Why are we meant to fade away?

If I held your hand, you would deny
My fragile world belongs to you.
I have nothing to rely
On, no dream seems to be true.

I can see you on the borderline,
Other worlds that we define
And that now collide in times,
When our heartbeats rise.

There is no way to a solution.
Sometimes borders are as stable
As a thought. And the seclusion
Is a cut that makes ourselves unable …

You are here and I am there,
Don't lose yourself across the border.
Let's walk along to anywhere
And give our thoughts another order.

I can see you on the borderline,
Other worlds that we define
And that now collide in times,
When our heartbeats rise.
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