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Alt 19.01.2010, 20:28   #1
weiblich miss-marvelous
Benutzerbild von miss-marvelous
Dabei seit: 01/2010
Ort: somewhere in the nowhere
Alter: 34
Beiträge: 3

Standard Beautiful brown eyes

Beautiful brown eyes

I see you
looking at me
with your beautiful brown eyes
I can see them twinkle.
When you laugh they are full of joy
your beautiful brown eyes
I think they'd show if tell lies.
And when they look at me
your beautiful brown eyes
it's like sunrise after a storm
as if nobody can stop you.
And if you are sad
you look like little Bambi
in search of his mummy
with your beautiful brown eyes
don't know what to do.
They are the mirror of your soul,
your beautiful brown eyes.
They show your true feelings-
can't hide what's on your mind,
your beautiful brown eyes-
the most beautiful eyes in the world.

© miss marvelous
miss-marvelous ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19.01.2010, 23:27   #2
männlich movfaltin
Dabei seit: 06/2009
Ort: Glei newwa da Elegdrisch
Alter: 42
Beiträge: 130


please let me shed some light onto your language use. I must admit I have not been able to perceive a single major mistake as far as your English is concerned (well, mostly tense issues). So the comments made are advice only, not corrections.

l.1 - do away with the comma
l.6 - twinkle instead of twinkling (which does not sound wrong, but somewhat odd)
l.7 - when you are laughing
l.11 - if you were telling lies
l.17 - as if nobody can stop you
l.18 - and when you are sad

So long. Cheers,
movfaltin ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20.01.2010, 00:16   #3
weiblich miss-marvelous
Benutzerbild von miss-marvelous
Dabei seit: 01/2010
Ort: somewhere in the nowhere
Alter: 34
Beiträge: 3

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please let me shed some light onto your language use. I must admit I have not been able to perceive a single major mistake as far as your English is concerned (well, mostly tense issues). So the comments made are advice only, not corrections.

l.1 - do away with the comma
l.6 - twinkle instead of twinkling (which does not sound wrong, but somewhat odd)
l.7 - when you are laughing
l.11 - if you were telling lies
l.17 - as if nobody can stop you
l.18 - and when you are sad

So long. Cheers,
First of all, thanks a lot for your advice.
I erased that comma in l.1.
Furthermore, I have to agree to your second proposal - it sounds better the way you suggested it.
In l.18 you are right as well: "when" definitely makes more sense.
However, I won't change the other things because my intention was to express what the character usually does (or in that case usually not does) instead of talking about one single/special issue.

Well, by posting this poem today I recognized that my language changed over the years- I wrote this text in September 2007- long, long time ago.
miss-marvelous ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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