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Alt 01.10.2007, 00:23   #1
Fiona McKinney
Dabei seit: 09/2007
Beiträge: 9

Standard I always watch him in awe

I always watch him in awe

I always watch him in awe
One could say I stare
And I am aware of his presence
of every minute he is there

He turns and looks this way
I switch on my charm
Let him see me I pray
and smile that won't do any harm

He smiles back and says hello
His voice is sexy as hell
My mouth forms hello too
my voice is muffled by the bell

The teacher arrives she's always on time
So we all take our seats
He looks at me till the end of the chime
My heart skips a few beats

I'm already done with the task
I pass the time with stealing glances
He is engrossed in his work
The teacher patrols and prances

It's recess and he's with his friends
as usual I hide behind a book
One of the phonies slaps him on the back
and he shoots me a look

Inwardly I curse for being caught
I want to know what he thinks
Risking a look I am puzzled
as I see how he winks

I put the book before my face
don't want my red face to be shown
I am such a dork
been holding it upside down

Recess is almost over now
There are still a few minutes to pass
I wait for his posse to leave first
Why doesn't he go we'll miss class

Part of them enter the building
he just keeps standing there
I think he's daring me to go first
but then I think why would he care

So I stand up and walk back
I'm headed for the door
He notices me brushing past him
which I am trying to ignore

Back in the classroom I continue to stare
just cannot help it he's a goodlooking lad
doesn't look at me again though
and I'm perfectly cool with that

At the weekend at some birthday party
many are there and he is too
so I watch him most of the time
then he corners me near the loo

Hey you stalker he says grinning
close up he's great looking as well
His eyes in the dim light pierce into mine
are they blue or green I can't tell

I greet him with my nervous smile
and apologise much too quietly
He pats my shoulder as if in consolation
I don't really mind he says lightly

He tells me he thinks I am cool
and I don't really know what to say
He asks why I'm such a loner at school
I answer: It's not cool being gay.

[Bevor sich jemand darüber beschwert: ich weiß selbst, dass ich das present progressive derbst links liegen gelassen habe. Aber wen interessiert das schon? ;] ]
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