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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 03.04.2019, 20:02   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard into the dark

sometimes I feel lonely
I am looking at those around me
they're silent
all their attention on themselves
I try talking to them
yet I can't find anything to hang on to
like a smooth concrete wall
I slide right of
and fall even deeper;
into the dark

LittleBlueDagon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 03.04.2019, 21:03   #2
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.265

Zitat von LittleBlueDagon Beitrag anzeigen
sometimes I feel lonely
I am looking at those around me
they're silent
all their attention on themselves
I try talking to them
yet I can't find anything to hang on to
like a smooth concrete wall
I slide right of
and fall even deeper;
into the dark
Ich hätte das so geschrieben:

Sometimes I feel lonely.
Looking around
at everybody's silence,
each of them
the own centre of the attaction.
I am trying to talk to them,
but no one is taking notice of me.
I am feeling like an empty shell.
So, I am sliding,
falling deeper and deeper,
into the dark.

Ilka-Maria ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für into the dark

isolation, lonely, trying

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