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Alt 21.11.2023, 11:19   #1
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 219

Standard Who can journey with the wind?

Who can radiate with light's pure gleam?
Who can pour with heavy clouds?
Who can blossom with the land?
Can flow with streams beyond doubts?

Who can journey with the wind?
Can soar with birds so high?
Who can carry with the earth?
Lie with stones beneath the sky?

Who can blaze with fervent fire?
Can strike with flames untamed?
Who can root just like a tree?
Stand with mountains, unnamed?

I can sail before the wind
Blossom with the flowers' grace
But I cannot go alone
Without y o u my path to trace

A German version: https://youtu.be/TTBzuPtFtmA

Geändert von JWagner (21.11.2023 um 17:43 Uhr)
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Alt 21.11.2023, 11:46   #2
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.197

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Who can journey with the wind?
Is that a common expression? I would have said "travel with the wind".

Workshop "Kreatives Schreiben":
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Alt 21.11.2023, 12:49   #3
männlich Ex-Eisenvorhang
Dabei seit: 04/2017
Ort: Erzgebirge
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 2.706

Yes, it's fine.
When you say "journey" instead of "travel," it often paints a picture of something more than just a trip. "Journey" suggests a longer, deeper, or more meaningful experience. It's not just about going from one place to another; it's about the experience, the transformation, and the significance of it all. So, when someone says "Who can journey with the wind?", it feels like they're talking about more than just moving with the wind. They're talking about being part of something bigger, a kind of experience that changes you in some way.
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Alt 21.11.2023, 17:44   #4
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 219

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Alt 22.11.2023, 10:57   #5
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.197

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They're talking about being part of something bigger, a kind of experience that changes you in some way.
Thx for the explanation which, however, is not congruent with that in the Random House Dictionary. It just says: "travelling from one place to another" and "passage or progress from one stage to another" etc. None of the examples given refer to "journey" as a verb, though the expression "the journey to success" may reflect the deeper meaning of the word in comparison with the words "travel", "trip" or "tour".

Workshop "Kreatives Schreiben":
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Alt 22.11.2023, 14:48   #6
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 219

Ich habe auch noch mal recherchiert und fürchte, dass dieser Ausdruck tatsächlich unüblich ist, obwohl er teilweise lexikalisch geführt wird. Ich würde journey Stand heute auch durch travel ersetzen, was nicht ganz so malerisch ist.
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Alt 22.11.2023, 15:32   #7
männlich Ex-Eisenvorhang
Dabei seit: 04/2017
Ort: Erzgebirge
Alter: 38
Beiträge: 2.706

Unüblich ist er definitiv, es wird aber verstanden und setzt vor allem in der Poesie eine schöne Nuance.
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Alt 22.11.2023, 21:27   #8
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 219

Standard Who can

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Lesezeichen für Who can journey with the wind?

i love you, love, nature

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