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Alt 12.02.2022, 12:05   #1
weiblich resmagnifica
Benutzerbild von resmagnifica
Dabei seit: 02/2022
Ort: Wien
Beiträge: 7

Standard about letting slip the opportunity

(recommendation: listen to „waiting too long“ by hippie sabotage)

way too often, one realises, that one truly wanted or wants something, when the chance hasn‘t been taken and the opportunity is already gone:

what did I truly want back then?
what do I truly want by now?

questions over questions
for which I do not have answers to
perceptions over perceptions
oh I don’t know, if I, that way, liked you

was it even real or only in my head?
oh to say that sounds hugely sad
but how do I make it to realisation?
what I‘d obviously wish for would be

does it even make sense?
what is the logical consequence?
now I am getting too abstract
because has there ever existed logic on that topic, in fact?

there is still something in me, deep down
that deserves to be heard
you could see me in a thorn crown
could, not can, because of me not telling you a word

I didn‘t and do not tell
innerly burning like hell
even if fought, it didn‘t and doesn‘t die out
even if I tried the hardest to wipe it out

so for now, the less I know the better
again turning rain into good weather
the solution is to go away
hopefully I’ll see you again, one day.
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Lesezeichen für about letting slip the opportunity

love, opportunities, pain

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