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Alt 11.12.2023, 14:00   #1
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 237

Standard Brother Bruno and the Frog

Engrossed in prayer through the night
The Brother heard a croaking right
The bullfrog sang its boisterous song
It has to be feared: all night long

Upset, he called out with all might:
"Hush hush, I'm praying, it's my right!"
The voice was heard, the pond got still
What wonderful silence and holy will!

But suddenly a thought got growth:
"Perhaps God loves the voice of both?"
He overcame, called out: "deploy!
Dear Frog, begin and sing with joy!"

The concert started once again
The whole pond sang, he said: Amen!
No longer disturbed he felt as a king:
In harmony and one with everything
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Lesezeichen für Brother Bruno and the Frog

disturb, mystic, prayer

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