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Alt 16.12.2023, 14:11   #1
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 237

Standard The Coconut

Under the shade of the palm tree tall
A merchant sat, feeling tired and small
An ape above, with mischief in mind
Threw a coconut down, not so kind

The merchant fell down, dazed and sore
He rised again with a taste of war
He hurled the coconut, full of ire
Against the tall tree with righteous fire

He went away to the market in town
His temper was dark, his mood was down
No luck all the day, no joy to be found
His spirit was low, his profit unsound

A rainy day, a Sufi master came there
Sat under this tree, enjoyed the fresh air
Again, from the branches, a coconut flew
The mischievous ape had a victim anew

The master fell with a heavy thud
Lying dazed and all covered with mud
Rising slowly, he clutched his head
And carefully leaved this awkward bed

He took his knife and opened the shell
He drank its milk, the savour so well
Crafting a bowl from the coconut's part
Turning misfortune into fine art

Geändert von JWagner (16.12.2023 um 22:51 Uhr)
JWagner ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für The Coconut

art, attitude, misfortune

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