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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 26.02.2017, 21:37   #1
männlich Meishere
Dabei seit: 05/2014
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 875

Standard At Night

The sun layed down for daily sleep,
and with her gone the sins,
time for pale light to appear,
moon lights up the soul of men.

Like shadows eyes the stars are watching
over all the nighty streets,
where nighty people walk alone,
where love and fate and sadness meets.

A wanderer all cloaked in black
is floating through the dark,
a lonely feather's falling down,
silence under heavens arc.
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Alt 28.02.2017, 01:46   #2
männlich Ex-Poesieger
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Beiträge: 7.220

I am more than completely underwhelmed by so much destructivity.
Ex-Poesieger ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.02.2017, 04:05   #3
männlich Meishere
Dabei seit: 05/2014
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 875

I am more than interested in a broader explanation of your underwhelmingness or more specifically the "destructivity" you're speaking of.

And a question: Can something be more than complete?

Best regards,

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Alt 28.02.2017, 14:48   #4
männlich Ex-Poesieger
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Beiträge: 7.220

Its all because its not what it seems for the wanderer who is using some feet of mine. To get into the pale light of all the pictures bound for watching us. But never shadowing more than necessary like you did!
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Alt 01.03.2017, 21:33   #5
männlich Meishere
Dabei seit: 05/2014
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 875

Hi Poe,

I think I have to admit that I don't quite understand what you mean
Looks like you said something in an encrypted way and I am not able to decrypt it.
Or maybe my english skills are just too low
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Alt 01.03.2017, 21:55   #6
männlich Ex-Poesieger
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Beiträge: 7.220

Everything is gonna be alright!
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Alt 06.03.2017, 02:51   #7
männlich Meishere
Dabei seit: 05/2014
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 875

Well, hope dies last
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Alt 06.03.2017, 21:55   #8
männlich Ex-Poesieger
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Beiträge: 7.220

Hope there was more to come down to.
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Alt 17.03.2017, 13:33   #9
weiblich Marly
Benutzerbild von Marly
Dabei seit: 01/2017
Ort: Taormina/Italien
Beiträge: 47

Standard Finally...

Zitat von Meishere Beitrag anzeigen
The sun layed down for daily sleep,
and with her gone the sins,
time for pale light to appear,
moon lights up the soul of men.

Like shadows eyes the stars are watching
over all the nighty streets,
where nighty people walk alone,
where love and fate and sadness meets.

A wanderer all cloaked in black
is floating through the dark,
a lonely feather's falling down,
silence under heavens arc.
Finally something in real english!
It's like you said: Hope dies last

Would you mind some (very small) critic,
just the line "where love and fate and sadness meets", it should be "meet" without the "s" because "they meet" (plural).

without a doubt
a favourite poem!

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Alt 11.05.2017, 02:38   #10
männlich Meishere
Dabei seit: 05/2014
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 875

Hey Marly,

excuse my some-kind-of-long abstinence, I tend to disappear and reappear sometimes. Looks like this is "my thing"

Nevertheless I want to thank you for your comment and that big compliment you left here for me

And thank you for pointing out the grammar mistake there. While writing I sit in front of it, thinking about if I can count it as "künstlerische Freiheit" because I liked how it fit there for the rhyme.
Maybe love, fate and sadness are one thing meeting some unnamed other thing
I know it's incorrect but I left it there on purpose, while I am not quite sure now why I did it.

I see that it disturbs they eye of a reader, especially if it's a skilled eye like yours (as it seems to be). Unfortunately I can't change it anymore in the original post, so I will leave it as is, hoping for others to read the comments

Thanks again, I was happy to see your comment when I came back here!

Best Regards,

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