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Alt 29.04.2020, 20:51   #1
weiblich Blue Heart
Dabei seit: 04/2020
Ort: Mein Zuhause ist die Welt :)
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 2

Standard Where my love belongs

I want a bed all for myself
With no one by my side.
Cause all my love belongs already
To the ocean and the tide.

Sometimes I wish that two strong arms
Would hold me tight in winter nights.
But then I think of all the reef fish
And the deep blue diving site.

Sometimes I wish for tender kisses,
For skin as warm as mine.
But I remember salty touches
Of the wavy ocean line.

Sometimes I wish for gorgeous dresses,
For shoes and skirts and pretty things.
But sparkling turquoise suits me better
With such beauty that it brings.

Sometimes I wish for dreams of settling
A house, a family I call mine.
But the ocean's my home already
The main part of my storyline.

I've never touched such beauty
I've never felt such love.
Just standing at its shoreline
Can never be enough.
Blue Heart ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Where my love belongs

love, ocean, passion

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