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Alt 16.12.2020, 10:41   #1
weiblich Poeticshady777
Benutzerbild von Poeticshady777
Dabei seit: 12/2020
Ort: Waidhaus
Beiträge: 4

Standard I miss you

Oh sweet darling my head does burn .
I'm asking myself when will you ever return ?
Why can't you just be reborn ?

You were stolen me for a long time .
I thought you will be always mine .
I miss you my little sunshine !

I'm so sad and sometimes i get really mad .
I'm lonely in my bed with all your sweet voices still in my head
And that makes me so terribly sad !

And if today i'll be missing you.
i watch myself kissing you .

I don't have a regret .
There's no shame in being sad !
And i still can't forget my overhelmed emotions yet .

But the pain is always near ,when i
feel you can't be here !
Yes, hurt is my biggest fear ,
that i have to bear !

You will be my only love even ,
when you're always above !
You are my beautiful
protector dove .
Poeticshady777 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.12.2020, 11:40   #2
männlich Walther
Benutzerbild von Walther
Dabei seit: 03/2013
Beiträge: 1.890

welcome. wrong place for that text. right place: https://www.poetry.de/forumdisplay.php?f=28
cheers W.
Walther ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.12.2020, 11:53   #3
weiblich Poeticshady777
Benutzerbild von Poeticshady777
Dabei seit: 12/2020
Ort: Waidhaus
Beiträge: 4

Poeticshady777 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.12.2020, 16:44   #4
männlich Walther
Benutzerbild von Walther
Dabei seit: 03/2013
Beiträge: 1.890


never mind.

my 5 cents:

(1) writing formed poems means caring to following meters and measures. you don't, and that's not good indeed.
(2) love poems tend to be trivial and flat. the poem above is of that sort.
(3) nobody with a little commonsense is stealing such a poem.

cheers W.
Walther ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.12.2020, 17:19   #5
weiblich Poeticshady777
Benutzerbild von Poeticshady777
Dabei seit: 12/2020
Ort: Waidhaus
Beiträge: 4

Yeah cheers and bye bye 😊
Poeticshady777 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für I miss you

hurt, love, pain

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