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Alt 29.09.2024, 00:21   #1
männlich Anaximandala
Benutzerbild von Anaximandala
Dabei seit: 05/2021
Ort: Zu Hause
Beiträge: 1.253

Standard Mystic night in magic woods

A flick'ring dance of sound and light,
when fire's mirroring at night
on silent water - just to get
in darkness lost; and fluctuate
while shining pale; but smold'ring yet
above the blooming forests glade.

Unsaturated, glowing lit
lets shadows walking in between
the trees. Excitement's never been
in such a mystic atmosphere.
The night's just precious and great,
it feels like magic's in the air!

While whispering from harmony,
wind's rushing through the canopy:
The forest's breathing out and in
and leafes are raising billowing.

The realm of night.
Where stars reside,
resilient watching,
billion eyed;

how chaos, weaved
to harmony
in cycling order
of constructs,

in inevi-
of evanescence,

We are perceived
in depth of night,
observed by silent,
guarding light

attended by
the tidal moon.
We strive for order;
dying soon.


Stars are glistering, the wide
kingdom of their traveling light
circles through infinity.

Silent guardians, billion eyed,
mystic spirits of the night.
They impact the destiny.
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