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Alt 16.01.2020, 20:22   #1
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.197

Standard Always

I love you, love you, always have,
and in some wild astonishment
your beauty leaves me mute and deaf,
completely lost at heaven’s bend
and deeply sunken into dreams
of charming elfs and unicorns,
of fairies and, though lewd it seems,
of lustful Pan with gleaming horns.

I love you, love you, always have,
you’ve taken me by all my heart
which is all yours from now to grave.
To live without you would be hard,
thus let me die before you pass
away. Be sure, I’m with you still
whenever you are touching grass.
I love you, love you, always will.
Ilka-Maria ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 02.07.2020, 21:39   #2
weiblich Demoreness
Dabei seit: 06/2020
Ort: im Süden Deutschlands
Beiträge: 8

Beautiful. I felt sort of being drawn into your lines.
Although there might be a touch of sadness to them (esp. 2nd paragraph)? Or is it rather irony?
Regards, Demoreness
Demoreness ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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