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Alt 26.06.2018, 22:10   #1
weiblich R.s86
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 24
Beiträge: 1

Standard Late night thoughts

Late night thoughts

Should I really do this?
Is this the right thing?
Is this the life I want to live?

Overthinking – mostly in the negative kind of way; of course

Why? - I care too much
I care too much about people I probably shouldn´t care about

Why? - I trust too fast
I feel close to people I probably shouldn´t feel close to

Why? - I don´t feel confident
I´m questioning every single thing I say and do, and guess what? I feel ashamend afterwards, every time

Empathy - „the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position“ – so many people told me that that´s one of the things making me special but what if empathy leads to caring more about others than caring about yourself?

What would you do if you only had 60 seconds left to live?

Would you regret the things you did ? Things you said?
Would you feel ashamed of your wrong-doings in the past?
Would you tell your loved one´s how you really feel?
Would you be able to say „I was a good human being?“

But I mean how can you stand up for others when you´re not even able to stand up for yourself?

You feel alone, you feel empty while everyone´s getting up their lifes.

I have done it again and I have been here many times before but how should people know as long as I act the right way and say the right thing?

I do not feel depressed - I feel misunderstood; alone.

I am asking you, what do you know about these things? Why do I feel weak?

Forgive me.
- r.s
R.s86 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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