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Alt 15.12.2007, 22:03   #1
Black Valentine
Dabei seit: 05/2007
Beiträge: 74

Standard Heroin And Whiskey

hallo leute!
hier ist mein neuestes werk! hoffe es gefällt euch! ich würde mich über kritik freuen!

Heroin And Whiskey

You can dismantle me when I'm dead
I lick the salt from my wounds and run away
I remember the rain
I remember the hate
I see the blood that left a stain

I'll give you anything
But I'm destitute
From feelings
Won't you restitute?
Won't you restitute?

Some vitriolic liquid left the river
Found my throat throughout a desert
I found it all alone with my shiver
Ol' void check card
Key to my independence art
I lost my face in a mirror
Under a white powder killer

I wanted to taste the taste of space
Yeah, screaming into the universe
I wanted to be like Saint Jimmy
I never knew I'd fall deeper into the hole

I'm free and unleashed
Uncaged and unpaged
I'm so high, I can see heaven
Oh, but God can't see me

Just another casualty
I'll drag you down if you want
To dream of whiskey and heroin
Don't you wanna be a hero?

Remember this song by Janis Joplin?
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose
Nothing don't mean nothing, honey, if it ain't free

I was looking for freedome
Right away, wide away in the city
Steal meds, anything worth living for
Away from home is bliss
Is it worth living this?
I ate morphin like chocolate
I eat morphin like chocolate

I'll give you anything
But I'm destitute
From feelings
Won't you restitute?
Won't you rescue me?
What's the price?
What surprise?
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