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Alt 25.07.2015, 18:12   #1
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Standard the well and god and eternal life


there was an old man who wanted to find eternal life
other men said he had to sit with God at a well
that if you sat with God at a well you would not age anymore
and they said with a smile, they had never heard of someone dying who did this
the old man took them serious and left for a well
he found one in the corner of a market place, and it was a beautiful old well
he sat down at the well and decided to stay there
then he prayed and God said, yes, I will stay here too
it was a beautiful day..

the next day the man went to the well again
and God seemed to already be there and greet him with a broad smile
the old man chuckled and said to himself, this is a good start
and God spoke kindly to this man and loved him
and what God said, the man pondered
and in the love of God, the old man felt peace
God told so many things to the old man that he was happy
it was a good day..

the next day the man went to the well again
and after an hour he thought of a girl he once loved
a girl that lived in another town now and got married
and she was surely busy and had no time for him
after another hour he thought of a woman he had once met in summer
a woman that he hadn't seen again and he did not know where she lived
at that point the old man decided that he needed some wine
the well and God were not enough
it was not a bad day..

the next day the man went to the well again
he had some wine with him, and the sneaking suspicion
that neither god nor the well were enough to keep him happy
but it was still remarkable, he sat at the well and talked with God
only that day, in the evening, he found that he desired to visit another country
he dreamt of beautiful places he had not seen yet
of meeting good and remarkable people he had not known yet
at that point the old man decided that he needed some tobacco
the well and God were not enough
it was not such a great day..

the next day the man went to the well again
he had some wine and tobacco with him
as he arrived at the well he saw a foreigner, a new marketender girl sit there
she said, i am a lover of yours, I know you since you were fourteen years old
I dreamt and hoped and aged with you
now I am here to tell you that this well and not even God mean eternal life
for to have eternal life you need a lover
and you need to be able to leave the here and arrive in the there
the well and God are not enough..
it was an enlightening day..

the next day nobody saw the man at the well again
the water boys took water from the well
the doves flew around its roof to coo
some people noticed an absence
and some knew what happened, and others not
the well was still there
but the old man was gone, and it seemed like his god had gone too
perhaps they went away together
it still smelled after tobacco for a day, and in the corner was laying a broken bottle of wine
the well and God are never enough
for more than a few days in a row..
gelberhund ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26.07.2015, 11:09   #2
männlich urluberlu
Benutzerbild von urluberlu
Dabei seit: 07/2014
Alter: 73
Beiträge: 2.273

hallo gelberhund

es kommt selten vor, dass ich einen so langen text am bildschirm zu ende lese.
es gab nur vier oder fünf zeilen, die ich nicht mochte. alles übrige gefiel mir sehr.

nachdenklich: was gäbe dieser text auf deutsch her? ich denke: viel.

sitting by my well I wonder if it should not be sufficient for today

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Alt 26.07.2015, 11:15   #3
männlich Blobstar
Benutzerbild von Blobstar
Dabei seit: 05/2012
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 334

Braucht es die Verssetzung? Es hat doch mehr Charakter einer Erzählung als eines Gedichts.
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Alt 26.07.2015, 11:41   #4
männlich urluberlu
Benutzerbild von urluberlu
Dabei seit: 07/2014
Alter: 73
Beiträge: 2.273

a) Ganz klar: Ja.
b) Ganz klar: Nein.
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Alt 26.07.2015, 12:20   #5
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Man kann es auch als Erzählung schreiben, aber das ist gar nicht so einfach. Versuchts aber falls es euch zufällt. Ich gebe meinen Texten bewußt kein Copyright.
gelberhund ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26.07.2015, 19:25   #6
männlich Eternity
Benutzerbild von Eternity
Dabei seit: 07/2015
Ort: Niedersachsen
Alter: 25
Beiträge: 57

It's not always the eternity we pursue for, remember there are always things left to do. Radiant things we haven't seen yet, splendid things we haven't heared yet. Live your life to the fullest, Eternity can wait.
Eternity ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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