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Alt 23.04.2020, 11:14   #1
männlich Raff
Dabei seit: 03/2020
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 4

Standard like a blade of grass

be like a blade of grass
one amongst many
not a fragrant flower
nor an impressive tree
just a blade of grass
one amongst many
yet special enough
to be considered a unique speck
of the vast grassland mystery

when furious winds strike you
you bend over
but you never break
you are flexible
yet you won't get carried away
because your strong roots
are connect deeply
with mother earth

when frightening thunderstorms
wash down on you
you wait patiently
secretly absorbing
nourished you will prevail
because your strong roots
are connect deeply
with mother earth

be like a blade of grass
one amongst many
gently dancing with the wind
pleased by the massage of the rain
rejuvenated by the warming sun
no harm can be done
to a blade of grass
one amongst many
Raff ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 24.04.2020, 19:34   #2
männlich Ex-Ralfchen
Dabei seit: 10/2009
Alter: 77
Beiträge: 17.302

when furious winds strike you
you bend over
but you never break
you are flexible
yet you won't get carried (torn) away
because your strong roots
connect deeply
with mother earth
not an uninteresting text.
Ex-Ralfchen ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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