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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 16.12.2023, 12:43   #1
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 223

Standard Optimist and Pessimist

Two frogs, they leaped into a pail
With tasty milk, no common tale
They drank their fill, content and dunk
So good it was, that both were drunk

The first one swam around a bit
Already tired, hardly fit
The bucket's rim was slick and sleek
"I can't do this!" - And he got weak

He was a pessimist from scratch
And gave up quickly, such a snatch
"What is the point?" he sadly sighed
He spoke his piece - and then, he died

His friend, he paddled there with might
He kicked and splashed, determined, right
Won hour by hour, lost in a flow
The dawn arrived, he made it, though!

Exhausted and drained, his strength worn thin
Devoid of vigor, no life within
He sat - oh, what a wondrous sight:
Upon a mound of butter, soft and bright!

With the last of his strength, he leaped there out
Had thought it was over, now saved without doubt
And behold, his efforts weren't in vain
He yet was spared, a new life to gain
JWagner ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Optimist and Pessimist

effort, fight, life

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