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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 04.12.2023, 12:49   #1
männlich JWagner
Benutzerbild von JWagner
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Beiträge: 221

Standard Siddharta

A prince, indulged, yet sees the pain
He left his castle, not in vain
He pondered on the question, guess!
What is the cause of all this mess?

He went into secluded woods
Renounced of pleasures, any goods
He found a teacher, turned inwards
To find the peace beyond the words

In meditation he maintained
So close to death and overstrained
He realized to keep the measure
To raise a valuable treasure

He kept away from all frustration
And resisted all temptation
Sat down under a large fig tree
Without a thought of getting free

One early morning's soft embrace
Unveiled the truth, a lighter space
Awoken by the morning star
He recognised, received his char

So silent now, no words to share
No questions, answers everywhere
So freed from burdens, old and worn
At once he felt himself reborn

He recognized life's fleeting grace
Interdependence, inner space
Conditioned, all things come to be
Develop, cease - reality!

He taught the art of letting go
No longer clinging, freedom's glow
Perhaps a little bit too much
Yet worth the play to get in touch

One can follow such a path
Can learn, develop, use this bath
Walk mindfully by every stride
And hold the balance well clear-eyed
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Lesezeichen für Siddharta

buddha, enlightenment, meditation

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