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Alt 22.10.2023, 19:45   #1
weiblich Jepo4
Dabei seit: 10/2020
Beiträge: 24

Standard Peacefully

You don’t have to fall asleep alone.
I’ll take your favorite book and turn the light on.
You don’t have to be afraid.
I will still be there when the magic fades.

You don’t have to close your eyes just yet.
Tell me please how your morning went.
And about the colours you saw today
and don‘t you leave the darkest ones away.

Every tear I want to know about.
Lean on me and let your sorrow out.
I will not turn away until
you shattered like glass on me.

Let me pick up your broken halo,
I’ll keep it safe until tomorrow
you find yourself restore your faith
to build a home of beautiful mistakes.

I am certain, love, that was not all.
Let us give the head of laughter a call.
I want to celebrate the tiniest good.
Life’s too short to wait for big one’s, I’m sure.

I look at you and I feel safe
to say I know you did great today.
Know every day is a success
If even once you only tried your best.

When there‘s a rainbow above your head
know it is time to go to bed.
But don’t you worry love, I’ll be with you
if you wake and feel confused.

Princes, gnomes and fairydust
guiding the way to paradise.
You know you can be everything
at a place where farmers will be king.

This is your time, let go now,
take a breath and lay your weapons down.
I’ll hold you tight until the serene moment
for another day to peacefully end.

You don’t have to fall asleep alone.
I’ll take your favorite book and turn the light on.
You don’t have to be afraid.
I will still be there when the magic fades.

No, you don’t ever have to fall asleep alone
Just take our favorite book and leave the light on.
And I will never be afraid
if you hold me close when my magic fades.
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