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Alt 31.07.2023, 08:14   #1
männlich Dionysos von Enno
Benutzerbild von Dionysos von Enno
Dabei seit: 07/2021
Alter: 47
Beiträge: 275

Standard Crown of Stars

Going down to Wonderland
Down the hole that never ends
Going down the rabbit hole tonight

Down the road that never bends
That has no start and has no end
Let the metalbender bend the crown tonight

The Crown of Stars
For the Queen of my heart
Of the leaves of light
From the tree of life

Always the same old song
Never right and never wrong
Be alive to just carry on
The torch of life
Through the dark of night

Hold on to dear life
On the highway in the night
With no left and no right
No wrong or right
No bend in sight

Dionysos von Enno ist gerade online   Mit Zitat antworten

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