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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 07.01.2023, 01:50   #1
weiblich lizzysview
Dabei seit: 01/2023
Beiträge: 1

Standard An attempt to express what I’m feeling

I’m sitting alone in my empty room
With feelings you could never assume.
A glass of red wine next to me
Catching the tears you never see.

Feeling so empty but yet so full
Stuffed with emotions I never tell.
Stabbing pain wrenching my heart
That feels like ripping my soul apart.

I don’t know how to bear this pain.
I wish what would help was the rain
Washing away all these fears
That tear up my soul and cause these tears.

I’m overwhelmed and petrified
Can’t remember the last night I haven’t cried
Myself to sleep, trying to express what
Hurts me so deeply.
How can I explain this when all I feel
Is lost and lonely with no way to heal?
Can someone just come over, hold me
Tell me I’ll be fine, I’ll see.
Don’t let me go in this ocean of pain
My tearful existence in this lonely rain.

- lizzysview
lizzysview ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für An attempt to express what I’m feeling

depression, feelings, pain

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