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Alt 06.06.2022, 10:39   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard Thinking about love again

Walking in the rain outside
Wondering about the look in their eyes
How they see something you don’t
How they must
See colours you’ve never even seen
Well maybe you have, but
For it didn’t last in memory
It is lost with the red poppy flowers
That used to be everywhere but aren’t anymore
Lost to time and climate change or what have you

Walking along blooming fields
Rich and green and just lovely
Do you walk and walk and walk
Looking back, looking down
On the place that was once your only home
And you kinda wish it still was
Burdened with the places and people you abandoned

Are you supposed to fall in love?
To travel the familiar or the greener path?
Should you explore the cravings in your heart
When there is no sense, no reason behind it?

Your skin is itching with bug bites
Hasn’t been like this all month
For the first time in a while you feel it swelling
Red and tingling
Have you ever left one without scratching the surface?
Have you ever stopped before it bled?

- LittleBlueDragon
LittleBlueDagon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Thinking about love again

love, wandering, wondering

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