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Alt 19.08.2007, 14:25   #1
Dabei seit: 08/2007
Beiträge: 18

Standard Stardust

Like a meteor I'm burning
rushing through the atmosphere
let me crush into the orbit
let the ozone freeze my fear

Bastard child of sun and moon
floating naked in the dark
pain is just a vacuum
slowly tearing us apart

So I'll turn to stardust
You just wait and see
Turning into stardust
may just set me free
Stardust, let my heart run dry
as the sunlight burns through me

You are like the condensed water
ice that's eating through my skin
numbing pain while you destroy me
ripping tears for all my sins

So I'll turn to stardust
You just wait and see
Turning into stardust
may just set me free
Stardust, let my heart run dry
as the sunlight burns through me

In the end we're dying stars
black holes, screaming in the night
devastating all we touch
as we're reaching for the light

Stardust, let my heart run dry
as the sunlight burns through me

Inspiriert von Danny Boyle's Sunshine.
Fleur-de-Lys ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.08.2007, 23:23   #2
Dabei seit: 08/2007
Beiträge: 7

Standard RE: Stardust

Finde ich schwerst genial!

In the end we're dying stars
black holes, screaming in the night
devastating all we touch
as we're reaching for the light
ist für mich die (traurigste und dennoch) schönste Passage!

Echt gelungen!
Cyphixx ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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