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Alt 28.03.2019, 13:08   #1
Dabei seit: 01/2019
Beiträge: 10

Standard Love of fire

written in Sitges, Spain, the 6 of March 2019


my beloved fire, you are
the energy of life and you awake the frozen world of crystalks
to flowing, flowering, steaming and pulsing life.
Your heat gives to the Great One its liquid state, your soul
is the essence of every living being.
Underworldly fire, glowing deep under the bedrock-
melting and blowing its way through the frozen
rock and soil towards the surface, creating
new land by lava flows.

Flowing fire energy in the earth
whirling under my feet, flowing
into me and up my spine,
hot electric waves and updrafts
filling my body along my spine with magic exciting heat,
entering again and again
the base of my spine and pumpimg extatic and electric waves
of unknown hypnotizing power and energy,
glowing warm flow of magic elexir of life
blowing my mind from underneath
to overwhelming erotic energetic
charges better than all drugs together,
streaming in my hight voltage electrified body
sending intense orgasmic shockwaves
of electric fire into my glowing body like a geysir of power
from below,
carrying me and making me take off like a rocket, like
a volcano in extatic spasms of repeated high energy eruptions,
electric power exploding with insane intensity into me
again and out of me,
blowing my mind into the stars and transforming me into
a blazing and glowing pump of volcanic dimensions
taking in and erupting out
with violent energetic pulsions
again and again
my body being lifted
into the stars and blowing electric plasma into
the next world.
Seconds like minutes, the
orgasmic fire pump seems
not ending and only slowly
the spasms appease.
Beloved fire.

Fire of life,
column of heaven and tree of life.
Flower of fire and magic ritual
that leads directly into the next dimension.

Love of fire,
earths and lifes fire energy flowing into me
from beneath and spiraling
around my body towards the sky,
connecting with the heavenly fires that
have magnetic energy and
a wild ride on light like a man rides a horse.

Fire in the sky
and fire in the eyes.
The cold fires and the distant fires-
warm fires and the plasma infernos.
Slow smoldering, rusting, digesting, rotting,
decaying, transforming, eating away.

Blazes, spontanuous combustion, ignation, illumination, burning, flaming, dancing and flying fires.
Fire purifying and revealing the true nature of things.
Smoke, steam, coals and ashes.
Volcanic bombs and metal shrapnell.
Hollow charges, cutter charges and missile launchers.
Lasers, rockets, engines, artillery and guns.
Blasting, demolishing, burning down, shattewring high explosives and slow exploding pressure explosions,
steam explosions, underwater explosions and
pressure explosions.
Blowing away, smashing shockwaves of supersonic
Earthquakes, ash rain and nuclear fires.

Atomic and hydrogen bombs, napalm and phosphorus fires.
Glowing gazes and forest fires.
Backdrafts and fire in the sky-
underwater lava pillows and camp fires.
The fire of the spirit and of life, fire of creativity
and fire stones,
fire wood and fire glasses.
Fires of sacrifice and of communication.

Fire, my beloved fire, you know everything I gave to you
and tell it to all those who still have the fire of life.
Fire, you light my chillum, you safe my life in cold winter nights and are my only friend in the dark.
You shine and light my way.
You help me working, fixing and melting things,
softening metals and burning pottery,
my beloved fire you heelp me harden wood and dry things, cook my food and make the first
warm dring in the morning under the stars,
you make toxic food edible, you cook and wash for me and you burn a way
ahead of me in the djungle of life.
Fire, my only friend in so many cold, dark nights-
frightening were the few nights without you.

Fire, your speed and energy are unmatched,
i spend hours making pictures of your beautiful flowers, the flames,
listening to their sound falling asleep.
Your flames dancing and revealing the infinite creativity of your appearances and fire spirits
of the most beautiful and exotic, erotic shapes without limits.

Beloved fire, you can be my beautiful little flame
or a breathtaking blaze that transforms everything in its way.
How many hundreds and thousands of hours have I spend allone with you my fire
in the deserts, on the cold mountains and besides lakes and the dark sea at night.
How many people you have made happy and appeased
singing or dancing around my beautiful campfire
under the summer night star skies
in our eyes and on our dark skin the red glow of your love,
my beloved fire.
Ex-topaz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.03.2019, 19:48   #2
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.497

Dear topaz,

your poem could be mirroring the love for fire in Zoroatrianism

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Alt 28.03.2019, 22:02   #3
Dabei seit: 01/2019
Beiträge: 10

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Dear topaz,

your poem could be mirroring the love for fire in Zoroatrianism

Spot on, my friend.
Some years ago I was in my garden in Germania
burning piles of poems and paintings
in order to save the life of a little insect that
had been killed by a car close to my garden.
At that moment a friend from Iran came by to visit and
was not so astonished as others as
in this culture are still remains of
the usage of fire
as a magic medium like internet
only much better
cause there is a connection
between real fire and the fire in the
spirit of people still alive and capable of
I counterchecked that so many times
giving infos to the fire that only
I know and then my friends still alive
all knew this info later
when I asked them.

Maybe the tradition got also lost cause
some responsables didnt give everything to the fire but
kept some stuff for
other purposes.

And even more important, it seems to me, as I made quite some research on that topic
that a fire that you manage to keep burning for a long time
gets wiser and has more confidence in you
just like a wild animal.

Theres so much more interesting stuff about fire,
for poetic science or scientific poems
to be written.

I also base my writings on the Vedas
of India which contain some grains of
original thoughts from the past.

Seems to not be a good thing to light a fire and then
kill it. Would be ideal to light a fire once in your life and then take care of it like of
a livinbg being, fire therefore
becoming a close and wise and trusting friend.

good night
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Alt 29.03.2019, 18:45   #4
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.497

Like internet – but better

Oh no, dear topaz,

inspiration that fire gives us, must not be misunderstood as a simple news medium, like a Bush Drum.

May Shruti enlighten you!
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Alt 30.03.2019, 11:44   #5
Dabei seit: 01/2019
Beiträge: 10

oh no.

dog is god and god is a dog

shit happens.

i always knew it.

sorry smoked too muchos chillum this sunrise and dancing so made my head turn round as well, see you in a better shape later boys.

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Alt 30.03.2019, 18:04   #6
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.497

Zitat von topaz Beitrag anzeigen
oh no.

dog is god and god is a dog

shit happens.

i always knew it.

sorry smoked too muchos chillum this sunrise and dancing so made my head turn round as well, see you in a better shape later boys.

If there is smoke, there must be fire

ganter ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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