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Alt 20.02.2019, 17:37   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard Through the moonlight

Through the moonlight

It’s this time of month
I wait for darkness to overcome the light
watching the sun fade into nothingness
I ache for a walk
ache for losing myself in the night
so I put out the lights
close the door behind me
and leave
squeezing between houses
I enter a new world
filled with grass
and trees
and fields
looking up I can count the stars
looking down I see my shadow
my whole being is bathed in moonlight
I laugh
I can’t recognize this shadow of mine
yet it dances through the night
exactly as I do
I feel so light
there’s no darkness in this night
even the shadows brim with life
I can’t stop smiling
Feeling my inner child emerging
don’t want to stop running
through the moonlight

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Lesezeichen für Through the moonlight

dunkelheit, freiheit, mond

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