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Alt 16.12.2021, 19:52   #1
weiblich Jepo4
Dabei seit: 10/2020
Beiträge: 24

Standard Escape

Tell me, am I dreaming or is this real?
Mr. Sandman, can you hear me? I need
some dust to flee from this horror movie.
It keeps me up all night, haunts me with my history.
So many smells, places
I thought only exist in hell.
It´s not a first, nor will it last forever,
that feeling that got me shiver every time
I´m about to cross the line, going to somewhere better.

Tell me, is this to be true
when all I ever knew is about to break apart?
I´m running circles, try to listen to my heart but
when the rain turns purple
I know there´s no going back to the start.
By trying to ease the pain
I see me fainting
in between the wrecks
I used to step on all alone.
No, the pain can´t be erased, but can it be alleviated
with the love that fate creates?

Tell me, am I wrong to believe in destiny?
It gives me hope that one day I´ll be free.
But what is freedom, what´s the deal of one´s believe
when all this means to live
by restrictions and rules?
By aspirations to be myself, I strive
to let the world know
how the power of individuality can reinvent the spirit of solidarity.
the believe is all that it shall be.

Tell me about Elysium,
where the demons hide, the soul shall rise
and the light reveals the truest magic of a place called home.
Will it be the end, will sinner and saint
be together on the throne
and spreading halos on our sons and daughters
who got all our soldiers killed?
Will this place free the birds
to make their chase after the dream of their hearts?

Tell me, is there a proper sense to be
when all I hear is the sea to call me?
The horizon talking to my soul, my heart,
saying I shall not tear myself apart and
be a light when darkness rises.
A light of hope, a light to lead
the way to reveal the secret of the seals
of life and death.
Using faith of redemption and release
the seals shall be opened,
collide to one piece.

And then the cohesion light will free me from
shame, suffer and hate
and all I know
is what I shall ever know,
It can never be too late to escape.
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