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Alt 02.03.2013, 23:53   #1
weiblich Shade
Benutzerbild von Shade
Dabei seit: 03/2013
Ort: In der Nähe von Hannover
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 3

Standard Light my fire

Lighty my fire

I let out my hidden feelings
to cut me off the vansihing reality
I'm desperatly fighting against the doom
but even you know fate is unavoidable
Nobody can predict what will happen
and the future that reflects in your eyes
is lying in my hand

Shout out, that you are still here
I will shout,woah, till you hear me far away
Worth to fight is the future
Worth to die is the love
Shout back to me, woah,
Light my fire

The weight of the world
digs me deeper in my doubts
But even there is no real answer
if I see your face once again
I will fight against the invincible
with a flame burning inside of me
that won't extinguish

Shout out, that you are still here
I will shout,woah, till you hear me far away
Worth to fight is the future
Worth to die is the love
Shout back to me, woah,
Light my fire

My tired body hurts
the ashes fell like snow
My flame inside burning weakly
seems to extinguish

Shout out, that you are still here
I will shout,woah, till you hear me far away
Worth to fight is the future
Worth to die is the love
I hear your shout, woah,
Light my fire
You light my fire
You light me and I win

Das ist ein selbstgeschriebener Songtext. Bitte schreibt eure Meinung
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