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Alt 01.04.2006, 19:20   #1
Don´t know
Dabei seit: 04/2006
Beiträge: 21

Standard Bittersweet promises

Bittersweet promises

Just leave me alone
Don´t want to believe your bittersweet promises
It would be everytime the same
I remember the day that you came
First, I thought yo´d bring joy and happiness to me,
But well, let´s see..
I found out you are a liar,
Can´t believe you anymore

Oh, just bittersweet promises all the time,
They aren´t even worth a dime
You just make me sad,
Oh no, I think I´m going mad

I remember the day you were standing in front of my door,
I felt as if I soar
But then you began to lie
Soon I felt the tears I cried
Just have to stay strong
Never believe a word you get out of your tongue

Oh, just bittersweet promises all the time,
They aren´t even worth a dime
You just make me sad,
Oh no, I think I´m going mad

I realize my blindness now,
I know that nothing was true,
Don´t know how it happened to me,
Can´t understand it...
The day you were standing in front of my door,
I was about to realize the truth
And I said that you should leave me ...
Just leave me alone without hesitation

Oh, just bittersweet promises all the time,
They aren´t even worth a dime
You just make me sad,
Oh no, I think I´m going mad
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