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Alt 27.01.2011, 11:23   #1
männlich huntablunt
Dabei seit: 01/2011
Ort: Hannover
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 71

Standard Oceans full of tears

Oceans full of tears

Have been wept
When mothers cried
The whole world slept
Without ears and
Fathers upset so
Full of fears and
Doubt to fly that
time has passed on by

Rivers of pain floated
Into the sea of blood
With water foul of
Sickness and disagree
Until it overturned so
Very loudly, that
The governor stated

Now it all comes to an end!,
As Flowers bend with
Rainfall, know you
Cannot resist just
watch the show.

With disturbing
advertising peace
And mothers keep on crying seas

That still are full of tears,
And the world it has no ears.
No eyes to see, no heart to feel,
Mothers hearts embedded roses
Be dying in this world of steel.
But the governor chose this.

Advertisement needs an end
Because the soldier needs his hand
To load, fire, reload, fire!
To build a brutal hurting wire,

So that the unwilling enseated
Will not leave the programme.
Otherwise he needed to quit it
Off the station, but without
Some noise and pain,
Will there ever be a nation??
Glorious like ours, and gain
While baby mothers dropping flowers??

Onto the fabricated wooden box
Giving the last honour to her child
A very special model, so then
Why had she cried? Disturbing
The willing enseated, mind refusers
She will bend there will, confuse us
We that gloriously troding on
Down the road of freedom!

To establish freedom means
To accept victims
But the final burning question
Is to whom does
Serve this sickstem?

And the governor again
Is stating proudly
Like a school kid
Loudly to convince his teacher
I know the answer
Guess my preacher, shout thee
Right into the room,
Perhaps you are solved
very soon we graved down
the old enemies
Without doom
To Finally have peace

Which will be a small bucket
Filled with water hot as fire
To cool down a million souls
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