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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 02.02.2008, 16:47   #1
Dabei seit: 01/2008
Beiträge: 6

Standard Angel

First: Thx to Captain_Trunk, I will use your feedback in future, but this was made earlier. You can speak to me in German languange if you want (I think you can speak it, I´ve seen some of youre poems)
So, here´s another "poem" (i dont think it´s something special but I wanted that some other people can read it)

There I sit
you in my hands
a fallen angel
your eyes freeze my soul
How could I lose such a beauty
How could I lose...
my only reason to live?
What is that for a world...so cruel, so much sorrow
There is the knife...
Such a wonderful knife
Should I...
Should I go along with you?

(Sorry if the grammar isn´t correct)
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