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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 21.01.2009, 15:34   #1
Dabei seit: 01/2009
Beiträge: 2

Standard strangers

I know better
How to get there
Where you sleep
Without second thought
Where you steal
Without getting caught
I know the place
Without distinguish race
I can show you
What to do
To follow all the people
Who went there?
I know better

I died that’s how I know
I went wherefrom comes snow
You fear all of this
I can tell, but I’m near
You’re excited besides
You just don’t know yet
It very well hides
Where no one will get
You seriously want to see me
Again, you also fear to lose the key
You search for a way
Preferable without blood,
Or water so grey

And when no one is listening
When no one else watches
With tearful eyes, light glistening
You will do it to follow, to die, and to sleep
But something is here that keeps
You earthbound and shaking still
You’re not ready to kill
And only to prove
There is something
Against which you always loose
It happens
It takes you
Your life
Your gratitude

Now, now
That’s how
To come
Where you’re always gone
Where you never shone
And you rarely find a bone
Where pianos sound
And love is found
Where you wait
To really relate
To things again
Where you wait
In awful pain
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