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Alt 18.02.2024, 14:31   #1
weiblich ftatateeta
Dabei seit: 11/2022
Beiträge: 331

Standard beware

I am


I am the amoeba
silently cruising
through your system
you don't feel me
yet you shake

I am the bat
silently landing
in your hair
you don’t see me
yet you scream

I am the snake
silently slithering
across your feet
you see me
you feel me
you turn to ice
with panic

I am the bear
nuzzling your throat
near the carotid
fondly whispering
you smile and succumb
to my embrace

I am


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Alt 25.02.2024, 21:38   #2
weiblich Lee Berta
Benutzerbild von Lee Berta
Dabei seit: 02/2024
Ort: Gehirn!
Beiträge: 336

When I try to summarize it, nature makes itself more and more noticeable. The animals (amoebas aren't really animals, but however) are getting bigger and deadlier. Nature is ever-changing and ever-lasting and in the end always the winner. I like the message and the poem as it is.

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Alt 26.02.2024, 13:19   #3
weiblich ftatateeta
Dabei seit: 11/2022
Beiträge: 331

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nature makes itself more and more noticeable
That, yes. Bur also: the LI changes masks all the time, disguising him/herself, being most dangerous when sweet-talking instead of being silent. All the more reason to be wary whom you succumb to.
Thankyou, Lee Berta, for reading and commenting.

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Alt 26.02.2024, 14:06   #4
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.197

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... the LI changes masks all the time, disguising him/herself, being most dangerous when sweet-talking instead of being silent. All the more reason to be wary whom you succumb to.
In the hero's journey, those appearances are referred to as "tricksters". It's not common to give them, at the samte time, the part of the protagonist. Therefore, I think that the real protagonist of the poem is the person the trickster is apporaching.

Workshop "Kreatives Schreiben":
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Alt 26.02.2024, 23:23   #5
weiblich Lee Berta
Benutzerbild von Lee Berta
Dabei seit: 02/2024
Ort: Gehirn!
Beiträge: 336

Zitat von Ilka-Maria Beitrag anzeigen
I think that the real protagonist of the poem is the person the trickster is apporaching.
That's an interesting point. I felt the same when reading it, because the LI is nature itself, so not a person. I was made the LI and nature spoke to me, that's what I felt.

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