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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 03.03.2023, 14:46   #1
männlich Walther
Benutzerbild von Walther
Dabei seit: 03/2013
Beiträge: 1.891

Standard Shakespeare did not write that one! - sonnet -

Shakespeare did not write that one!

I told myself: My friend, you are too lazy!
The sun is shining and the rain long gone.
The early mornings, bright and rarely hazy,
Do signal: Boy, the winter times are done!

You should get out and do a little chasing:
The girls are flirty and their outfits charm.
Look at the birds, they even started raising:
A little fun and dancing never do much harm!

Don’t look so daft! This is no day to bother!
And see, this beauty twinkles, she is waiting,
Will soon be gone, and there will be no other:
Don’t waste your time with dull anticipating!

Go ask her out, talk wittily, be hearty,
Skip sullenness and fear: life quests for party!
Walther ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 04.03.2023, 23:01   #2
männlich Manni M.
Dabei seit: 09/2022
Ort: Mittelrhein
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 114

Hello Walther,

that one is very imressive!

Yours faithfully,

Manni M. ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 05.03.2023, 13:40   #3
männlich Walther
Benutzerbild von Walther
Dabei seit: 03/2013
Beiträge: 1.891

Zitat von Manni M. Beitrag anzeigen
Hello Walther,

that one is very imressive!

Yours faithfully,

Hey Manni,
Thanks for dropping by. I tried my best.
Cheers W.
Walther ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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