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Alt 21.05.2021, 11:14   #1
männlich Modtools
Dabei seit: 04/2021
Ort: Saarbrücken
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 49

Standard Dreamers


TWO Hearts, TWO Souls,
bound with a cord of air
flew near each other
only seeing another.

There is a home
a castle they made
the borders fade
a sound, a resonance a single tone

But fatality it takes
the both true
living in a world full of fakes
having no clue

In each room
endless feelings
in eternal till doom
countless meanings

Two dreamers
knowing that dreams matter
but it seems absurd
knowing that reality will hurt

No idea if an hard or open end
remembring the way they went
what does the end matter
if what we lived in our hearts
was real - even better.

Geändert von Modtools (21.05.2021 um 21:57 Uhr)
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Lesezeichen für Dreamers

dreams; love; neverland

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