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Alt 19.04.2020, 02:31   #1
weiblich Ebony
Benutzerbild von Ebony
Dabei seit: 11/2017
Alter: 25
Beiträge: 28

Standard Day of a female

Men will treat you
Men will love you

A queen they'll call you.
Get dressed, get pretty.
All for yourself.
Feel good and be gorgeous.

Look at yourself.
Before you go out.
Smile at yourself
And stand all proud.

Leave your home.
You look so good.
The chin so high.
It's been a while.

You walk along.
You feel a pair.
You fell 4 more.
Fixed on you.

It's fine.
Just looks.
Step by step
You go along.

Step by step
You feel more eyes.
You hear them whisper.
You hear the words.

One says 'sexy'
The other whistels
The other says slut
One just spits.

You felt so good
But that is gone.
Your chin drops down.
You almost run.

You try to hide
And you hear some more.
I'd f*** her.
She asks for it!

At work you'll be.
Finally away.
The streets behind you.
The animals gone.

You take a seat.
You feel some eyes.
You tell yourself.
It's not true.

You start your work.
Your good at it!
Solve everything.
You're really smart!

So proud.
You almost forget.
You work some more.
So very hard.

You're doing good.
You really do!
You hand it in
Your chin so high.

You fell a pair.
You feel 4 more.
Fixed on you.
Just sit down.

It's fine.
Just looks.
Piece by piece.
You work some more.

Piece by piece.
You feel more eyes.
You hear them whisper.
You hear the words.

'Show of' they say.
Shaking their head.
'Copycat' the other means.
One just laughs.

You bury yourself.
Try not to hear.
Wait it all out.
You felt so proud.

It's almost over.
You hear some more.
'I'd outsmart her',
'Only a woman'

Men will treat you.
Men will love you.
As long as your stupid.
As long as your willing.
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men, women

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