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Alt 02.09.2007, 18:10   #1
Black Valentine
Dabei seit: 05/2007
Beiträge: 74

Standard Undecided Wonder

Undecided Wonder

Why don't you close your eyes?
No better way to watch me die
It's okay if they are sold
But can we decease alone?

They are out there
I've seen them

They'll never dare
To come out

Tears are true heir
I've cried a sea

I can't believe what happened
Scared off from heaven
Incredible experience
Been way too far beyond this fence

I was lucky
I could once sleep

The vacancy
Bewares to forget

Watch scarlet flies
In purple air

I guess the time cures all wonders
Sold the riot to smother
Slip and fall like the unhappy end
There is no way but pretend

I breathe and hate
Voiceless transit
Umbilical noose

I stained the blade
You licked the blood

So hide my fate
You talked to God

I'm so proud, you can bury me now
I slip and fall under the shadow
My broken mind was dashed to pieces
I'll never close my eyes again
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