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Alt 17.11.2019, 16:46   #1
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Standard forgiveness painful fearful crime

i wake up in the morning
2 minutes of love and good normality
until, most of the time,
the first touch of him, the bad man!
and then, every 10 minutes, another touch
my heart spinning, started, finished, leuchtend
i dont know, i suspect a innocent crappy syringe
his bad face in my eye pressed and suddenly screaming
then weeping like a monster of glasses and erections
i dont know him, i miss the real man who lived there once
now there sits another man counting money and hating, laughing grimly stop
i dont know why i must
i fight, i slap myself, he slaps himself
odins punishment, i get some freedom
psychotic cells on, he pulses with machines of dad and grandfather..
forgiveness, forgiveness, when i yell with anger machines of dad
black satan psychotic nothing or stupid image or just an image
defenseless and proud self of mine forgetting to pray
senseless craphead with evilheads a hundred thousand for my head
last fear of atlan and jesus suddenly warm in me
i dont have my mother here and my bestie and i sit on my chair surviving!
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