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Alt 19.09.2019, 19:28   #1
weiblich Weisenkind
Dabei seit: 12/2017
Beiträge: 40

Standard Potion, Potion

Potion, Potion,
dearest friend,
you give me shelter,
a helping hand,
you make my head quiet,
the music turns loud,
drowning my fears,
that’s all your about.

My dearest old friend,
you help me a lot,
in the nighttime,
when silence death plots,
you help me get out,
wander the streets,
watch all the lights,
how many years have gone by?
If you were a human,
i’d love you so much,
but sadly you are,
but my only crutch,
for when times are bad,
and when times are rough,
you help me dig my grave,
enough is enough.

To the lord i have prayed,
for me to let go,
but he won’t hear me out,
he won’t let me know,
which road i should take,
for me to be sane,
so better of staying,
and numbing the pain.

Potion, potion
dearest friend,
you hand me the knife,
make things come to an end,
you make me shut down,
and drown all my sins,
for what we have now,
was it worth all the things?
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Alt 20.09.2019, 17:14   #2
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Little girl, little girl, you play the life
Of the compy love and the butter knive
We live in the darling sea of minds
She knows the dearling of the kinds
Of frogs and dogs and Bushes
And these mushroom crushes
A greeting's sent from the Somewhere Else
You can believe the togetherness bells!
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Alt 20.09.2019, 19:11   #3
weiblich Weisenkind
Dabei seit: 12/2017
Beiträge: 40

Wise stranger man, wise stranger man,
i live in those seas but i can't swim,
i like to think i know those dogs,
but when they drink from my open shores,
i catch those creatures, pull them down,
show them where we all will drown,
but content, happy, quite we'll be,
living down beneath the sea,
greetings back from somewhere cool,

from the frogs, dogs and bushes too.
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Lesezeichen für Potion, Potion

addiction, potion, sober

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