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Alt 04.05.2018, 18:01   #1
männlich Maschinenherz
Dabei seit: 04/2018
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 37

Standard Death's Bow

In this very moment I celebrate without you.
In the end of flowers I return to the point of no return.
Let me see you turn a stranger kind of cards.
Many people cry for help.
But you all you can do is to burn.

I'm laughing your face.
We are face to face.
War is come without a trace.
Declare your mind to keep it.
None of my kind likes you.
But still I create monuments of thoughts.
We stand at the border of your next of kin.
You are dying in the blood of sin.

Poison ivy haunts your skin.
Nightmares lurk in this very night.
It's a dream of a lost fight.

Your Ego is darker than the sky.
I bow to you.
Seems like you live a lye.
Maschinenherz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Death's Bow

ego, ivy, trace

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