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Alt 26.12.2011, 22:44   #1
weiblich neosildrake
Dabei seit: 12/2011
Ort: Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Alter: 50
Beiträge: 14

Standard So you want to be a Jedi

Dieses Gedicht ist inspiriert von 2 Dingen; PoetMoe's "Maturity" und einem youtube video über eine Gruppe von Star Wars Cosplayern. Ich habe absolut nichts gegen Star Wars, im Gegenteil, ich bin selbst Fan. Trotzdem hoffe ich, dass mich eventuelle das hier lesende Star Wars Fans nicht lynchen. Das ganze ist in ungefähr 15 Minuten entstanden, also bitte keine Tiraden über schlechte englische Grammatik. Ich weiss selbst das ich da nicht so gut bin.
So you want to be a Jedi
So you want to be a Jedi,
Tracing figures eight with light;
Watching sunset, watching sunrise,
Guarding peacefull sleep through nights.
So you want to be a Jedi,
Fighting evil darkness scion;
Calling powers force unlimited,
Stepping up one for a million.
So you want to be a Jedi,
Forgo anger, greed, hate’s chill;
Dismiss love and mushy feelings,
Said for the greater good you will.
So you want to be a Jedi,
Heed this warning youngling well;
Matters not the speach we sprout,
Who we are our choices tell.
So you want to be a Jedi,
Travelling the galaxy;
Helping those in need of service,
Getting honors pridefull steed.
So you want to be a Jedi,
Respect bows that follow you;
Bow yourself out of need only,
Get great service and discount too.
So you want to be a Jedi,
Adventure waits along the way;
Banish villains with a handwave,
Be the hero of the day.
So you want to be a Jedi,
Heed this warning without ire;
Shadows follow brightest sunlight,
Matters not what you desire.
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