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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 22.01.2011, 08:53   #1
männlich huntablunt
Dabei seit: 01/2011
Ort: Hannover
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 71

Standard The last night

The last night

If you don’ t wake up tomorrow,
where will be your sorrow?
And where will be your pain
and al the things that you did gain?
All is gone the, can´ t you see?
So why now not to be free
of hate mischief and jealousy?

Many think that they would stink,
if they wash themselves in poverty,
But let me tell that you won’ t sink
in water without heavy clothes,
if you learned how to swim.

But you still try to fight
Did you never see the light
Peace, feeling anything so bright
I am sure you never did
And that's why you are afraid
Of all the things that maybe come
And so start acting wrong
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