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Alt 25.02.2024, 19:21   #1
weiblich Lee Berta
Benutzerbild von Lee Berta
Dabei seit: 02/2024
Ort: Gehirn!
Beiträge: 334

Standard california dreaming

where the yellow poppies grow
where the sky is bright and blue
on the cliff and far below
in the desert, in the snow
lies my heart and waits for you

once we roamed the ancient fields
laughing carefree like the sun
picking up our mother's yields
carrying our father's shields
but our downfall had begun

mother earth and father sky
over our bones they watch
birds are singing still, and shy
raises hope her head to cry
we were just another notch

where the yellow poppies grow
where the rivers deep and blue
by the stars and far below
where the windy children blow
flies my soul. i wait for you
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