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Alt 11.05.2017, 03:26   #1
männlich Meishere
Dabei seit: 05/2014
Ort: Berlin
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 875

Standard The Maze

I hate all the people who tell me I'm always fine
I hate what they think of me, cause i hardly walk the line
between sanity insanity noone was ever tellin me that it would be that hard to be what everybody sees in me
but if they could take a look into my mind
then they would know that everyone was blind
but my head's Pandoras box and darkness will be what you find,
so don't fear my face and eyes but everything that is behind.

When they look into the mirror then they see a pretty face
when I do it like they do then I lose myself in the maze
that my eyes begin to form cause my nerves crawl like a worm into my head and tell my brain that me and I are out of norm.
And the way outside of this mess called life
is so cold and hard, i feel bold, but dark
when i watch my scars while the steel folds cards,
knocks me out of the game, noone but me to blame!

I hate all the people, who keep telling me that I
should be like society, it always makes me cry,
livin my own way is what I really wanna try -
but it seems my own path's just an awfully fuckin hard way to die.
And the voices in my head they keep yellin at me, tellin me who's the worst enemy that I flee when I see the bloodred sky, a fuckin lie, while the daylight shine is goin to die and the night denies and starts to cry all the dark songs in my mind; for the chaos to rewind.

All the dark songs in my head, all the darkness that I've met
All the friends that I have lost, and the friends I never got
All of them have never known how dark my fucked up mind has grown
Now I lay down in the fire burnin down my last desire
I'm a traitor of my soul, of my life and all my goals
So when they tell me that I'm fine I deeply look into their eye and say "You're right, as always I'm, thank you for asking, I am fine"

Beat, den ich als Grundlage benutzt habe

Ich habe Spaß dran meine Texte auch selbst aufzunehmen. Das meiste schafft aber nicht den Weg bis zur "semi-professionellen" Aufnahme am Laptop, sondern bleibt bei Aufnahmen mit dem Handy, bei denen der Beat im Hintergrund läuft
Wenn also jemand was hören mag, dann am bestem privat anschreiben.
Meishere ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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