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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 10.04.2007, 14:13   #1
Dabei seit: 04/2007
Beiträge: 3

Standard Ariadne

...ENGLISH ist immer so eine Sache, right? Dennoch, ich schreibe gern auf English! ...ich poste also ein (kleines) Gedicht... auf ENGLISH!


"Ich züchtete ein entzückendes Trauma": Ariadne von Schirach

We came without any notion of anything
Without any sense of reality and dream
It is hard to explain there's no song left to sing
We climb down the wall without any news to bring

Your words got me tangled, your words got me confused
Your style just makes me starring for more and for more
I gazed down the road, threw 'way the words that I used
But I don't know the reason for what I came for

There's beauty and fragility in your language
Wine in your eyes, how I wish we'd something to say
What is wrong, what is wrong and what is the matter
It's not easy we cannot talk out of this way

We danced in the windows and walked through the night clubs
Tell me the thesis and do you think that we're lost
You got all of the attitudes that I'm longing for
Why don't you tell me 'bout the things that are for sure

Pitch black like the night I see the light inky skies
Let us catch the skyline and bleaching those nights
I am sorry for all, maybe I got you wrong
But I want reach your mind now the minutes grow long

© 2007 written by daydreamnation
daydreamnation ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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