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Alt 17.09.2018, 09:58   #1
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Standard the voice

she said i am love
in the deep bridge of kissing fingers
oh no these lips cant stink
that was his beautiful drink..

he said i am earnest
he was only too real for little girl shadow hearts
a smile of sacrifices
and many intellectual vices..

that was intelligence
that thing that comes quickly
and which never really ends
like gentle sunlight mending colors
that treasure of my dear fool..

i came out okay
a lot of light and dark on my wiser way
of smiles and money good luck
i nearly earned a buck..

dream of me tomorrow
and choose where tomorrow lives
it is only that tired goddess that forgives
and teaches the theory of sorrow..

she laps into my heart for a minute
tells me of earnesties and problems smiles and touch
what is love but another way away from there
to sanctify now and writing in thunders
oh how piracy plundered my harbor
and founded golden cities in your breasts..

i smile and write a century and then you kiss
and i dont understand your rouge lips' bliss
a wine of what you could have seen in ms darkness
a splendorous handshake with mr parkness
original dreams and honest feelings
i was not allowed to partake in realings
and you said it is all just some dealings
knowing better and writing never a letter..

i cannot kiss you
come on write forward and bury your face
skeleton guy has better bones than me
i gotta run and come see you again
as a critical fan..

miss socrates already? he wrote your perfect antidote
and it was all for you
platons beloved in the blue and true
dance and come to me anew
oh god how the angels sleep sing and do..

i dont need but perfectly know
this maximal playback show
chose good song
played perfect wrong....
gelberhund ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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