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Alt 21.06.2018, 21:14   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard someone

When You can't fall asleep
When you can't find the light
when you can't feel the warmth of your own breath anymore
when you can't stop shivering
When you can't see the hand to help you up

When you can't do that, scream as loud as you can
even if you can't hear your own voice anymore
I'm sure it'll reach someone

Someone who will lead you to your dreams
Someone who will be your light
Someone who will let you feel the warmth again
Someone who will lead you through your fears
Someone who will lend you his hand whenever you need it

Someone who will hear you each and every time you scream
and never lets go of your hand

LittleBlueDagon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 23.06.2018, 10:54   #2
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.497

Hy LittleBlueDagon,

a wise poem, I think, you have written!


ganter ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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