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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 11.02.2007, 00:39   #1
Dabei seit: 02/2007
Beiträge: 8

Standard being a fool

so few of them i understand
their motives, their incitements
why living this way, i ask
and they call me a fool.

i know i’m silly, i am dumb
but they don’t seem to know
that they are just as much
a simpleton, and drowning.

they have no right to claim
to know the truth, to know it all
cause none of us is privy
and none of us a god, at last.

doing what you are told
they call it right, i call it dumb
but i’m a fool, so don’t listen
fools tell the truth by stumbling.

so few of them i understand
their motives, their incitements
maybe there aren’t any, after all
just a void where heart should be.
red.squirrel ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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